7 Quotes & Sayings By Jeremy Lin

Jeremy Lin is a basketball player for the New York Knicks of the National Basketball Association. He was born in Taiwan, and came to the US at age seventeen. He went undrafted in 2009, but has been a key part of the Knicks' success since then. In 2011, he won the NBA's Most Improved Player award.

Faith, family, academics and then sports was the order of priorities in my family. My parents really stuck to these principles when raising me and my two brothers. As long as we took care of everything, they let us play as much basketball as we wanted. Jeremy Lin
My best career decision was probably not giving up when I wanted to. God as well as my family and friends were there for me during my toughest times. Jeremy Lin
I'm very humbled and honored. I'm very thankful to the Asian-American Community for all their support! Jeremy Lin
With all the media attention, all the love from the fans, I felt I needed to prove myself. Prove that I'm not a marketing tool, I'm not a ploy to improve attendance. Prove I can play in this league. But I've surrendered that to God. I'm not in a battle with what everybody else thinks anymore. Jeremy Lin
Stuff about me dating Kim Kardashian - I have no idea where that came from and all these other rumors. I don't think I'm that type. Jeremy Lin
I think right now the way society's going, I think role models are important, and kids need direction. If I didn't have that direction growing up, who knows what I could be doing, because I've been lost many times in my life, and I've had to have someone guide me back on the right path. Jeremy Lin